Summer Evening

Terry Searle

Moving to Ireland in 1980 was the result of an increasing desire for a decisive change in both lifestyle and environment and West Cork had re-awakened happy childhood memories of life in a rural society and landscape.

I arrived with no real plans other than to paint.

I’m lucky to have a good visual memory and work mainly from this. Colour is probably more important than form in my work because of its emotional impact. I have some problems with the concept of “inspiration” and find success usually comes with time and patience though its always exciting when a painting just happens. Often when I look at pictures I did years before they take me by surprise and I wonder how they arrived.

Sometimes frustrating and sometimes magical, painting for me is simply what I do.

Terry has work in private collections throughout Europe, U.S.A. Saudi Arabia and Australia. Corporate collections include B.A.S.F. Germany, I.B.E.C. and the Office of Public Works Dublin.